THE owner of a Newton Abbot health food shop who has had to use her personal savings to keep her business afloat has described the past few months as ‘an absolute nightmare.’

Jacquie Upton, owner of Nature’s Bounty, has said her business’ takings are down by around 35 per-cent, with footfall being down by around half.

‘It’s has been an absolute nightmare’ Jacquie said.

‘It’s never been as bad as this - I am gutted, not just for the finances, but the fact that I have spent 15 years building this business into something that supports the community’ she added.

Typicaly the shop would see anywhere from 35 to 45 people per day, but in the past few months the number generally falls between 15 and 20.

The closure of the Avenue, the closure of Wolborough Street and the ongoing works to Queen Street are to blame, Jacquie says.

It has gotten so bad that Jacquie has had to plug financial holes with her own savings.

‘I have transferred around £7,500 of my own money into the business over the couple of months - all my savings, everything, have gone’ Jacquie said.

She has also had to take out a card machine loan to help pay her five employees.

Customers have told Jacquie they have been reluctant to make the trip into Newton Abbot with all the roadworks going on.

‘We have lovely loyal customers, but the worrying thing for me is that if someone thinks “I just can't get into town, just this time I’ll order it online”.