IT has now been seven years since the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. Whilst we would all like to have seen more, let’s be proud of what we have achieved – and all that despite Covid and the Ukraine driven energy troubles, writes MP Anne Marie Morris.

Too many blame Brexit not these world events for our current woes.  Since 2016 cumulative growth has been 4% in Italy and 5.5% in Germany - but in the UK it has been 6.8%. In July last year, British exports to the European Union were the highest, not just since Brexit, but since records began. The UK had the highest growth of any G7 country in both 2021 and 2022. 

The Eurozone is currently in recession, but we are not. Yes, right now we are feeling deep financial pain, but we are not alone. The person who has to get it right now is the Governor of the Bank of England. Has he gone too far already relying on and old model of monetary policy – which clearly doesn’t work?

This week we had the Finance (No.2) Bill return to the House of Commons, the legislation that is needed to implement large elements of the Chancellor’s Spring Budget and the timeline for the implementation of the Global Minimum Corporation Tax regime the Government signed up to with OEDC nations in October 2021.

Pillar 2 would ensure that large multinational groups with revenues of more than €750 million pay a minimum effective tax rate of 15% in every jurisdiction they operate in. I am not happy with this and signed an amendment to delay implementation. It can’t be right to cede sovereign control of taxation and limit our competitiveness. The concept has merits if everyone signs up and if clever accountants can’t find holes! Neither of these is likely – the USA has already declined! 

I am increasingly concerned at how difficult it is not only to get cash - but also to spend it!  

Many restaurants and travel services simply won’t accept cash. Some people simply can’t have bank accounts and credit cards and need to be able to use cash. Others find it very helpful to manage their personal finances by setting aside sums of cash for specific purposes so they can manage their budget. I raised this with the Prime Minister in the House.  It is right that private businesses should have the choice as to how they accept payment, but there need to be limits to protect vulnerable customers. 

Those providing public services or the necessities of life such as food should be required to accept cash. The Financial Services and Markets Bill currently going through the House does mandate access to cash, but it provides no safeguards on the ability to spend it. A battle which will have to be fought!

Back in the constituency after a quick visit to Sefton Hall in Dawlish ( our wonderful national award winning care home!) I was very pleased to meet with the Teignmouth Harbour Commission and their new interim CEO and Acting Harbour Master. Teignmouth has a fabulous asset providing income from trade and commerce and from leisure activities. 

Many of us watch even if we don’t take part the comings and goings into the harbour. But as with anything involving the sea, wind and tides, managing that asset is difficult. We talked about some of the things that could be and should be done and I was very happy to offer my whole hearted support. 

And my favourite fun part of the week was the Teignmouth Folk Festival! Listening to Celtic Dawn perform in the triangle with a crab sandwich – brilliant! Then an evening of piano and cello at St Peter’s in Shaldon with Joanna MacGregor CBE and Adrian Brendel to round off the week – beautifully.

► We have surgeries coming up soon in Teignmouth on July 7, Dawlish on July 28, Newton Abbot on August 17, and Kingsteignton on August 25.

These will be by appointment only. If you would like to book a surgery appointment, please call my office on 01626 368277 or email [email protected] to arrange an appointment