‘A TREAT I never thought I would have again’ is how a Teignmouth father recovering from open heart surgery described his Father’s day meal.

Staff at Newton Abbot’s Pizza Café were more than happy to welcome back Peter Spencer and his family.

Peter, who underwent the operation earlier in the year and spent several weeks recovering in a hospital in London, endeavoured to visit the eatery, which is a family favourite, once he was well enough, and it’s safe to say it didn’t disappoint.

‘It was great, as usual, and a treat I never thought I would have again,’ Peter said.

‘I appreciate every day that I have, and although I know it will have to be replaced in about 15 years, it will not be such a big operation next time,’ he added.

During his stint in hospital Peter was visited by Hayden Womble, the Wimbledon football club mascot.

‘I love the Wombles and this was a lovely surprise for me and brightened my day’ Peter said.

‘I think the thing is when you have an operation on your heart, although 99 per cent go without a hitch, there is always that one percent that could be you’ he added.

‘I am still recovering and getting better day by day,’ Peter said.

‘But like I said earlier you appreciate family and friends so much’ he added.