THE ruling Liberal Democrat executive leading Teignbridge District Council (TDC) is without an official opposition as a former South Devon Alliance (SDA) councillor has left the party in favour of sitting as an independent member.

With Cllr John Radford having decided to leave the party and sit as an independent, the South Devon Alliance no longer has enough members to form the official opposition, being tied with the Conservatives at nine members each.

‘It was a bit of a shock to them [SDA] and I am tinged with sadness - there are no two ways about it’ Cllr Radford said.

‘We haven't fallen out or nothing, the SDA are really good and I support them’ Cllr Radford added.

The councillor for Kerswell-with-Coombe said that, as an independent, he can carry out his role better.

‘I find full council meetings, and I have said this before, to be like a gladiators arena.

‘I just want to knuckle down and get on with my work for the benefit of my ward and Teignbridge.’

An effective opposition is a fundamental part of a proper democracy, as such South Devon Alliance had held shadow portfolio roles, but, having dropped below a majority threshold of opposition members, do no longer.

Though, these roles, and opposition scrutiny in general, were largely ignored, according to former leader of the opposition, Cllr Richard Daws.

Cllr Richard Daws, said: ‘John has chosen to sit as an independent, which is totally fine.

‘We agree with him on the basics of wanting to change TDC into a functioning democracy.

‘Nothing is going to change from our perspective - no other party is larger than the SDA.

‘The idea of shadow roles is a total joke, but I guess TDC and the Con Dem’s will do anything they can to take away scrutiny.

‘The Lib Dem’s are ploughing on destroying Newton Abbot with their disastrous plans to spend the future high street funds without actually asking the town their view or ignoring the views when they are given.

‘I sat on an advisory board last year for TDC with Jeremy Newcombe, Austin’s Department Store, Richard Ward and John Pike for months.

‘We came up with a transformational plan for the Market Hall, Alexandra Theatre and Market Square and TDC simply ignored everything we suggested - we might as well have not bothered.

‘So the idea that TDC takes into account any opposition, whatever the form or it, is a non-starter.

‘The council just ploughs on as it feels, ignoring elected councillors and as we have consistently seen, silencing the public when people both to engage with valid questions.’

But newly appointed leader of TDC, Cllr Richard Keeling, takes a different view.

Cllr Keeling said: ‘The previous opposition group had some good ideas and we listened.

‘If we in their view stopped agreeing to invest in Newton Abbot, it would compound the already dwindling foot fall numbers.

‘If we in their view stopped agreeing to build housing the government would step in and agree housing in places we had consulted with the public in Plan Teignbridge not to build.

‘We need houses build to reflect the local needs and housing for those who have jobs in the area. Teignbridge residents deserve better!’