NOMINATIONS are now open for The Teignbridge Sports and Community Awards, supported by the Mid-Devon Advertiser.

The awards recognise individuals and groups who contribute significantly to active, vibrant communities – volunteers, unsung heroes, individuals and teams who strive to promote healthy living, volunteering in the community and the environment.

This year there are 14 categories to choose from – including the return of the People’s Champion Award, which will be decided by an online poll and social media voting on the night.

For the first time Green Champion Awards are being introduced to recognise residents who make a difference to our communities by, for example, going the extra mile to reduce waste, clean our beaches or raise awareness of climate change.

Nominations, which are easy to complete, close at midnight on February 17. Those shortlisted will be invited to the presentation evening on May 1, where films of the nominees will be shown and their achievements celebrated.


This year’s event – the 41st awards – will be held at the Dawlish Leisure Centre.

Lorraine Montgomery, of Teignbridge District Council, said: ‘This is a great opportunity to recognise and reward residents whose actions and commitment are improving the lives of local residents through volunteering, supporting sporting activity or saving the environment.

‘On behalf of the council I would like to thank our headline sponsors Kitsons Solicitors and our media partners The Mid-Devon Advertiser for supporting the awards and for helping to make events such as this happen.’

This year’s categories are sport, health and/or community champion, for an individual or team; personal achievement award, for an individual who has achieved a personal goal in the local community such as overcome a fear or defied the odds, exceeding their expectations and achieved success; green champions, for individuals, clubs, groups and organisations; coach/manager of the year award; community school of the year award; young person’s services to sport and community; junior sports person of the year; senior sports person of the year; junior team of the year award; senior team of the year award; business contribution to sport and/or community; charity contribution to sport and/or community; and lifetime achievement awards (sport or community).

Online voting for the people’s champion award will open in the week before the event, with voting open throughout the night via the website and social media from the final shortlisted nominees. Every shortlisted nominee will be in with a chance of winning this award.

Nominees must reside, volunteer or work, attend a sports club or be in full-time education within the district of Teignbridge.

Junior awards are for individuals 16 years of age or younger on December 31, 2019, and young person’s awards for individuals 18 years of age or younger on December 31, 2019. To be eligible for the senior awards, individuals must be aged over 16 on December 31, 2019.

Businesses and charities can still get involved with the awards, including sponsoring a category, display screens or some other aspect of the event.