MAYOR of Kingsteignton Cllr Ron Peart was invited to officially open a refurbished maths building at Teign School. 

The new dedicated facility is housed in one of the older school buildings but capital funding was found to improve A block. 

The school’s founding building was built in 1936 and as the local community has grown, so has the school site. A new purpose built science building was added just two years ago.

Some of the new maths building was demolished which created more outdoor space and remaining classrooms have been completely renovated. 

The school has been able to improve corridor spaces and build additional toilet facilities.

To mark the completion, Cllr Peart and Jackie Edwards, Kingsteington Town Cryer, were invited to officially open the building.  

More plans are being put in place to make the outdoor space a more welcoming area and it is hoped to install planters and picnic benches to provide students a positive space to enjoy their break times.  

The ‘Teign is Green’ club is keen to start planting once raised beds are in place.

Lucie Wagner, head of school at Teign Academy, said:

‘Starting my first year as head with a building site in the middle of the school campus was unnerving but our staff and students have been incredibly patient and this has paid off. The result is a fantastic, fit for purpose building where our young people can further develop their love of learning.’