A RARE Chilean plant has come into flower in Dawlish.

More commonly found on arid hillsides in the Andes, this one lives in the Badlake Close garden of Derek Bryant and his wife Jackie. 

Derek says the flowers of the Puja Chilensis have come as a ‘total surprise’.

The are examples of the plant, an evergreen perennial, at the National Trust gardens at Overbooks in Salcombe and at the Royal Horticultural Society at Trebah Gardens in Cornwall. 

But the plant is only know to flower every 20 to 30 years. 

Derek explained: ‘We suspect the plant has been in our front garden for about 30 years. 

“We certainly planted it and at a guess bought it at the RHS Trebah Gardens.

‘We have done absolutely nothing to nurture it and we were totally surprised when it emerged. 

‘Now this rare Chilean plant is coming to maturity.’

Unfortunately, once it has flowered is dies quite quickly.