INFORMATION boards detailing the changes to Queen Street appear to have arrived at last.

This development comes as work appears to have begun at the eastern end of the street despite an October start date.

It is not clear whether the boards, which were supposed to be in place from the outset, provide a summary or a comprehensive breakdown of the scheme; there is a QR-code on the board, so it is likely the former.

Elsewhere, concerns have been raised as work appears to have begun at the eastern end of Queen Street, despite information disseminated by Teignbridge District Council (TDC) and Devon County Council (DCC), including the former’s residents newsletter, clearly stating that work to Queen Street would begin at the western end and finish at the eastern end.

The newsletter says that the information boards will ‘provide visitors and residents with further details about the ongoing works’.

A map on Devon County Council’s website, picture below, clearly shows that work between Albany Street and Devon Square would take place from September to October, with further work to Devon Square taking place throughout October and into November.

Construction phasing map for Queen Street
(Devon County Council )

Why, then, has work begun at the eastern end?

A DCC spokesperson said: ‘Work on the Queen Street Enhancement scheme began on May 28 and since then our contractors have made good progress on the first phase, at the western end of Queen Street.

‘This has meant we are able to start work on widening the southern footway by St Paul’s Road, and on preparatory work for a new crossing near The Avenue, ahead of schedule.

‘Residents surrounding the works were updated by letter on June 17 and we expect that this section will be completed within the next two weeks. 

‘Starting these sections earlier will help us achieve our goal of finishing all the improvements by the end of November 2024.’