CAREERS talk was on the agenda for students at South Devon UTC in Newton Abbot. 

A careers say was held to give the youngsters an opportunity to broaden their knowledge on all things careers based.  

A carousel of activities was on offer allowing students to take part in sessions on everything from improving CVs to writing covering letters.   

The students were also encouraged to research the industries they would like to work in and were also given advice on how to best use Unifrog which is an online platform which helps students compare university courses, apprenticeships, and further education courses and then apply successfully.

The highlight of the day for many was taking part in mock job interviews conducted by external visitors.  Some of the students even chose to dress up impeccably as if they were taking part in the real thing.  

The UTC students were commended by the interviewers for their maturity, honesty and conduct. 

Claire Plumb, head of college, said: ‘Careers Day was a brilliant event that really helped students to gain confidence about stepping into the world of work.  

‘We know we deliver a top quality education to our young people but the soft skills required to secure and be successful in the workplace are also very important.  

‘I was so pleased to receive the positive feedback from our visiting interviewers that the students had done so well and were a credit to the UTC.’