PARENTS across Teignbridge are being urged to ensure their children catch up on missed vaccinations before they head back to school. 

The UK Health Security Agency South West is issuing an urgent call to parents and carers as it launches the second phase of the Childhood Immunisation Marketing Campaign across England.

The appeal comes amid fears of a further surge in measles cases as the new term begins. 

In the South West, by the time they’ve started school, almost 1 in 10 children is not fully protected from MMR.

This campaign, being delivered by UKHSA, the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England, will remind parents and carers of the risk of their children missing out on protection against serious diseases, including measles, whooping cough, meningitis, diphtheria and polio.

Since January 1 there have been 28 cases of measles in the South West.

There have been a number of major measles outbreaks across the country resulting in the highest number of cases in England since 2012.

Measles spreads very easily among those who are unvaccinated, especially in nurseries and schools. 

It can be a very nasty illness and, in some children, can be very serious, leading to hospitalisation and life-long complications and even death in rare cases. 

Getting vaccinated not only gives children protection but also helps to prevent the spread of the disease and protect those more vulnerable.

Professor Dominic Mellon, Deputy Regional Director, UKHSA South West said: ‘Two MMR jabs offer the best and safest protection against measles, but if unvaccinated children are at risk of serious illness or life-long complications. No parent wants this for their child.

‘It is encouraging that parents, whose children have missed vaccines are now coming forward, but we are a long way from ensuring all are protected and safe. And importantly vaccination is also about not spreading the disease to others who may be more vulnerable.

‘Measles is highly infectious and is still circulating in many areas across the country including the South West. It only takes one case to get into a school or nursery where many children are unprotected for numbers to suddenly surge.’

Dr Alison Mackenzie, Consultant in Public Health Medicine and Screening and Immunisations Lead for NHS England South West said: ‘We know measles can be very serious, so it’s critical our children in the South West are fully protected through vaccination.  

‘We’re making progress, but need to do more, especially to protect those who haven’t had their second dose, which is about 10 per cent of five-year-olds across the region, and nearer 15per cent in some areas.

‘Each of those children is at higher risk, so I would urge parents to check their children have had two doses of the MMR vaccine and if they are unsure to contact their GP.’

For further information about the MMR vaccine, please visit