NEW charges have been set out by Teignbridge District Council (TDC) for the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – charges paid by housing developers that contribute towards community facilities, infrastructure, community facilities, roads and railway stations.

The existing charges for the CIL have been reviewed as a new Local Plan has been submitted for examination by the Secretary of State.

The Local Plan includes new development sites for the district for the next 15 years, which will generate a need for new and improved infrastructure; the use of CIL is vital to secure money for this infrastructure. 

Since the introduction of CIL in 2014, TDC has spent more than £10 million on infrastructure projects and £4.6m of CIL has been paid out to town and parish councils.

Dawlish Countryside Park and a new primary school in Kingsteignton are two projects wholly or partly funded by CIL income include,

The charging schedule will be examined by the Secretary of State in autumn.