FIFTY years of service to the community of Teignmouth were celebrated at the newly named Teignmouth Primary School this week.
A 50th celebration and tree-planting assembly/ceremony was held and Teignmouth Post photo journalist Steve Pope went along to take some pictures.
Formerly known as Teignmouth Community School, Mill Lane, pupils and staff have been holding a series of special community celebrations to mark the anniversary of the founding of the school.

‘We Are Teignmouth’ week has focused on the children taking pride in the town and giving back to the community.
‘We Are Teignmouth’ week has focused on the children taking pride in the town and giving back to the community.
Every year group has had a different community project- you may even have seen some in your local area!
After planting a tree to mark this special occasion, pupils were keen to show off their new school tops branded with their new school name.