Jill Proffitt,  Animal Rescue Centre, Cliff Walk, Teignmouth, writes:,Thank you to the person who told us about the morons who stamped on the head of a baby injured seagull and killed it. ,well done to that person for reminding those of you who dislike/persecute and constantly complain about the gulls that this behaviour stems from encouragiing such brutal behaviour by mindless thugs. the thugs are barely worth mentioning and don't have a ounce of intelligence or compassion to know any different; their acts of violence and disregard for living creatures/humans or people's property make it seem as though they feel it is their given right to kill/destroy. ,The perpetrators who did this heinous crime will walk free, unless, of course, one of them has a conscience or a backbone and comes forward and reports the thug who actually killed the gull.,You would think a member of their family would know them; after all most must have a mother or father. failing that if you complain enough, the police/RSPCA will have to do something, otherwise these feral yobs will continue their acts of violence as they have for many years, and will continue to do so for many years to come if left unchallenged. ,Our seagulls, along with all wildlife, are innocent victims. they all have a right to live in a pain free and free environment without the fear of low life thugs/yobs who actually think they have more rights than animals.,our wildlife unlike humans don't have a choice when they enter this sad and out of control world/environment that we live in.  ,For those who think this is acceptable behaviour towards our seagulls I say get a life, move away from a seaside town or better still get a conscience. ,most of us are sick and tired of listening to you – for me many seagulls come into the sanctuary with broken limbs, pellet wounds, and victims of poison due to the evil/sick behaviour of the minority.,If there is any justice in this world it's about time those of you who profess to be animal lovers did something about it, even if it is a member of your family. after all it is your responsibility and the reason why we have so many malfunctional thugs in our society.