A REMOTE church in the heart of Dartmoor has secured funding for an electric vehicle (EV) charging point.

Around two years St Raphael’s chapel in Huccaby pursued an opportunity to make better use of its car park by seeking funding for an EV charging point.

Fast forward to the present day, and funding for such an initiative has now been secured, according to the latest edition of the Moorland Parish Link.

The car park at St Raphael's, Huccaby
The car park at St Raphael's, Huccaby (Google Street View)

Such an initiative could not only attract more visitors to St Raphael’s, but could also serve as a means of generating income, though it is not clear how accessible or not the possible EV point will be.

‘No one can automatically charge their vehicles at any time on our car park, for example when there is a service on a Sunday or an event at St Raphael’s’ the parish link reads.

But an EV charging point could be a source of income for the Church, not to mention drawing people to the area - spending money at the nearby campsites and pubs, for example.

Should the EV charging point come to fruition, it would surely be one of the most remote charging points for some miles and could serve as a source of income for the church.