UNAUTHORISED work has been carried out on a listed building in Newton Abbot, it has been confirmed.

A new gas housing and pipe, pictured, has been installed to the outside of the Alexandra Theatre ‘ahead of permission being determined’.

The building has been under the spotlight for several years, being a key component of TDC’s plan to regenerate Newton Abbot town centre.

Listed building consent is required for all works of demolition, alteration or extension to a listed building that affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest.

To carry out unauthorised work to a listed building can be a criminal offence.

‘As part of the market hall regeneration we need to ensure continuity of supply to the Alexandra Cinema for use by Scotts, and separate the supply from the market hall’ a spokesperson for TDC said.

‘Because of the delays on the planning application the installation had to be done ahead of permission being determined, due to the lead times of our gas provider of around three months, we needed to complete the enabling work in advance of the main Market Hall scheme’ the spokesperson added.

The revelation that TDC went ahead with the installation despite not having planning permission will no doubt cause much fervour.

‘Given the amount of work that the community have put into the plans for the Alexandra, it is a real shock to see that works have already been undertaken to install a new gas supply on the grade 2 listed building for a scheme that doesn't have planning permission’ said Cllr Richard Daws, leader of the opposition at Teignbridge District Council.

‘I understand it is a criminal offence to undertake works on a listed building without permission.

‘This is hugely disappointing, but in many ways totally unsurprising’ he added.

Teignbridge District Council’s executive member for planning, Cllr Gary Taylor, has been approached for comment.

‘We will be painting the box to match the surrounding stone building as well as potentially add some low level planting to screen it off further’ the TDC spokesperson went on to say.