THE Ashburton section of the Dartmoor Search and Rescue team are taking applications for new trainee team members... and one of them could be you!
Those who are successful will become trainee team members, spending the next 12-18 months learning and demonstrating the skills it takes to become a full team-member.
'If you are considering applying but you're unsure about how it all works or how to manage being a team-member with everyday life, don't worry, everyone is in the same position' a spokesman for Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team - Ashburton said.
'To help you decide if this is right for you we will be featuring Team members over the next few weeks who can answer many of the questions you might have' the spokesman added.
► For those wishing to apply, and for those who wish to learn more, get in touch with the team's training officer - [email protected]