MORE than £10,000 has been raised in the space of a few days by a Newton Abbot café facing a ‘short-term funding crisis’.

Late last week, No Limit Café and Hub called on its patrons for support after the inclusive café announced that it was facing a funding shortage.

Within a few days, the café raised more than a third of its £30,000 target - £11,094 as of Wednesday, June 26.

So far, more than 125 people have donated toward No Limit Café and Hub’s campaign; each donation being match-funded by insurance company Aviva.

‘Your generosity means we are nearer our £30,000 target’ the café said on its Facebook page.

‘Every £1 pledged will help somebody make that step to more independence through work experience or paid roles within our café and supported employment with other local businesses’ the café added.

Donations will allow the café to expand its work experience programmes; create more job opportunities and improve its facilities for better accessibility.

‘No Limits does essential work - it is essential that this continues’ one supporter said.

‘I’m so hoping that you reach your target - you are all amazing and I love visiting you’ said another.

No Limit Café and Hub’s campaign on Crowdfunder, which can be found here, runs until July 19.

Despite its success and positive standing in the wider Newton Abbot community, the café said that ‘the current economic climate poses challenges’ which led to a ‘short-term funding crisis’.