TWO stones that are a part of a historic Dartmoor monument have been restored to their original upright position.

Archaeologists, landowners and volunteers worked together to re-stand the monuments forming part of the double stone row at Piles Hill.    Extending 850-metres across Ugborough and Harford Moors and aligning east to west, the avenue of stones is thought to date back to the Neolithic/Early Bronze Age - around 4,000 years ago.     There are more than 85 examples of this type of monument on Dartmoor.

Ugborough Moor landowner Dr Leonard Hurrell said: ‘We are delighted to see that the uprighting of two large stones has been possible, giving visitors to the area a glimpse into the distant past.’

The stones were restored to an upright position during the summer solstice on June 20.

It is believed the two stones had either been deliberately laid flat after being erected, or had simply fallen over with time.